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An extension for Redux Toolkit


with NPM

npm i rtkex --save

with YARN

yarn add rtkex


New store confugration method

RTKex provides a new configreStore(), it accepts buildCallback that retrieves a builder object as its argument. The builder object provides methods for registering slice, reducer, middleware, etc.

import { configureStore } from "rtkex";

const store = configureStore((builder) =>
.withMiddleware(middleware1, middleware2)
.withPreMiddleware(middleware1, middleware2)
.withListener(actionCreator, effect)
.withListener({ type: "action_type" }, effect)
.withDevTools(enabled) // or .withDevTools(devToolsOptions)
.withEnhancers(enhancer1, enhancer2)

New slice implementation

RTKex has new implementation of createSlice, it retrieves following parameters createSlice(name, initialState, reducers, options). RTKex also provides some extra properties for slice object

import { createSlice, configureStore } from "rtkex";

const counterSlice = createSlice(
// slide name, where to put data in the app state tree
// initial state
// main reducers
increment: (state) => state + 1,
decrement: (state) => state - 1,
// options
extraReducers: (builder) => {},

// register the slice to the store with ease
const store = configureStore((builder) => builder.withSlice(counterSlice));
// with RTK you should do
// configureStore({ reducer: { count: counterSlice.reducer } })

// now the store has following state tree { count: 1 }

Slice selector

The slice has built-in selector slice.select() function, that uses to select the state of slice from app state tree. You also pass custom selector to select() function

import { useSelector } from "rtkex";

const count1 = counterSlice.select(store.getState());
const count2 = useSelector(counterSlice);
const count3 = useSelector(counterSlice.select);
// using custom selector with default selector
const doubleCount = useSelector(counterSlice.select((count) => count * 2));

Slice dependency logic

A slice can depend on one or many other slices. When configuring the store, you just need to add dependent slices, all their dependencies will be added as well

import { createSlice, configureStore } from "rtkex";

const slice1 = createSlice("slice1", 0, {});
const slice2 = createSlice("slice2", 0, {})
// add dependency slice when the store is building
.onBuild((builder) => builder.withSlide(slide1));

// no need to add slice1
configureStore((builder) => builder.withSlice(slice2));

Dynamic adding slice to the store

// create a store wihout any slice
const store = configureStore();

// counter.js
import { useBuilder, useSelector } from "rtkex";
import counterSlice from "./slices/counterSlice";

const withCounterSlice = (builder) =>
function Counter() {
// easy ?
useBuilder((builder) => builder.withSlice(counterSlice));
// use the slice afterward
const count = useSelector(counterSlice);
return <div>{count}</div>;

Slice Ready Event

Slice Ready Event uses to handle something whenever the slice added to the store

const mySlice = createSlice().onReady((storeApi, slice) => {
// dispatch an action
// get the current store state

Loadable slice

Redux toolkit supports createAsyncThunk but it is complicated to use. RTKex wraps slice and thunk logics into one place, it is loadable slice

import { createLoadableSlice, configureStore, useSelector } from "rtkex";
import { userAPI } from "./userAPI";

const userListSlice = createLoadableSlice(
async (userId: number, thunkAPI) => {
const response = await userAPI.fetchById(userId);
return response.data;

const store = configureStore((builder) => builder.withSlide(userListSlice));
// load users outside component

// load users inside component
const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
}, [dispatch]);

// load users once when the slice is added to the store
const userListSlice = createLoadableSlice(/* ... */).onReady(
(storeApi, slice) => {

const userList = useSelector(userListSlice);

loadable object has following properties
data: [...],
loading: false,
idle: false,
loaded: true,
error: undefined

RTKex also supports Suspense and error boundary for loadable slice

const UserList = () => {
// when using selectData selector RTKex will throw a promise if slice is still loading and throw an error if slice has been failed
const userList = useSelector(userListSlice.selectData);
// the userList value is loadable.data not loadable object
console.log(userList); // [...]

<Suspense fallback="Loading...">
<UserList />

If you need to add more actions for loadable slice, just use following code:

const userListSlice = createLoadableSlice(
async (userId: number, thunkAPI) => {
const response = await userAPI.fetchById(userId);
return response.data;
// options
reducers: {
// clear user list action
// the state is loadable.data
clear: (state) => [],
// you also define extraReducers to handler external actions
extraReducers: (builder) =>
// clear user list when logout action is dispatched
builder.addCase(logoutAction, (state) => []),

High Order Reducer

RTKex slice can work with HOR ease

import undoable from "redux-undo";
import { createSlice } from "rtkex";

const counterSlice = createSlice().wrap(undoable);

API references


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