Opt out of checking actions. When set to true
, other action-related params will be ignored.
Opt out of checking state. When set to true
, other state-related params will be ignored.
An array of dot-separated path strings to ignore when checking for serializability, Defaults to ['meta.arg', 'meta.baseQueryMeta']
An array of action types to ignore when checking for serializability. Defaults to []
An array of dot-separated path strings to ignore when checking for serializability, Defaults to []
Execution time warning threshold. If the middleware takes longer
than warnAfter
ms, a warning will be displayed in the console.
Defaults to 32ms.
The function that will be used to retrieve entries from each
value. If unspecified, Object.entries
will be used. Defaults
to undefined
The function to check if a value is considered serializable. This
function is applied recursively to every value contained in the
state. Defaults to isPlain()
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Options for